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Geof Whitely Project Paper Tiger

Paper Tiger, the latest release from Geof Whitely Project delivers all that is expected and, as always, that little bit more.

Opener, ‘Cut Against The Grain’ has a nice relaxing lilt to the music, but the lyrics are somewhat menacing and require the listeners full attention.

My personal favourite is track 2, ‘Under The Waves’, a gentle opening with some interesting sounds, expands into the, dare I say, signature sound of Geof Whitely Project, sweeping keys with subtle yet powerful guitar. The lyrics build the picture in the way that fans will recognise, adding layers to the tale being told. Interesting use of a ‘pipe’ sound adds a different feel to the overall sound.

‘Made A Promise’ has a quicker tempo but maintains the signature sound, as the track progresses I was drawn into the subtlety of the layers within the music.  This is a trick that Geof Whitely Project seem to be the masters of. Huge bombastic blasts are not needed, the layers provide the drama, where needed, but never going over the top.

The gunfire opening to ‘West Bank’ gives a hint of where this track may be going. However, this is not a ‘preaching’ song, it had this reviewer questioning what was is happening on the ‘West Bank’.  The lyrics need to receive attention again, the music provides the backdrop to a song that questions war and the worlds opinion on it.

‘The Prisoner’ once again has the listener intent on what the words convey, all the GWP touches are there. 

‘An Uneasy Presence’ is a genuinely spooky offering, one that will be in the list for a Halloween Special.  The organ sound gives a background hint of the old horror film soundtrack style but does not dominate or detract from everything else going on musically.

I wasn’t going to do a track by track review this time, but, well, OK, ‘Force of Someone’ keeps up the standard, then ‘Cracked Eyes’ takes you to a different place. A gentle melodic opening settling you down before the question is asked, “Is everyone crazy?”  Drama and tension rises with the way the music layers build.

‘Vulnerable Species’ has an opening to lead you down a path, again opening out into a song that questions what we are actually doing to our world.  Again, not preaching but asking you to think about other things other than the wonderful music.

Closer ‘I’ve Seen A World’ is in the Environmental protection sphere, looking back at memories and asking the listener to look at where we are now.  

The music on ‘Paper Tiger’ is, as always, subtle, melodic and sitting in that wonderful ‘genre’ that is exclusive to Geof Whitely Project, containing rock, progressive rock, full on electronic and dashes of ambient music.  The lyrics are thoughtful and questioning without feeling like ‘soap box preaching’. The album is a complete package and is simply marvellous.

Paul Baker


Radio Tamworth & Burton Radio

Thanks for all your continued support......!!!!!!!!!!!!

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