check back regularly to find out what's going on with the project

February 12th 2025: Interview for Paul Bakers Soundscapes

February 11th 2025: Paper Tiger album review Fred Spittle

January 25th 2025: Paper Tiger album review Progradar

January 10th 2025: "Paper Tiger" album of the week on Progrock.com

January 9th 2024: Airplay on Moorlands Radio on Moorlands Rock

January 8th 2025: Paper Tiger album review Paul Baker Soundscapes

January 8th 2025: "Paper Tiger" album officially released

December 29th 2024: "The Prisoner" air played on The Prog Mill Progzilla Radio

December 28th 2024:  First review of "Paper Tiger" album

September -November 2024: mixing and mastering new album

9th August 2024: "Hard words break no bones" featured as Album of the week with Peter O'neill on Progrock.com

1st August 2024: Track featured on Moorlands Rock

23rd July 2024: 5 tracks featured on Game of prog with Chuck Simons on Progrock.com

July 14th 2024: Track featured on The Prog Mill with Shaun Geraghty on Progzilla Radio

July 10th 2024: 3 tracks featured on Soundscapes with Paul Baker

June 27th 2024: Second album review Mike Hutchinson Progador magazine

June 26th 2024: First album review Paul Baker Soundscapes

April 12th 2024: Album of the week on Progrock.com with Peter O'Neill

March 29th 2024: Airplay on Progrock.com with Peter O'neill

March 9th 2024: Mixing and Mastering started on "Hard Words" album

February 1st 2024: Airplay on Paul Bakers Soundscapes "Illusion"

January 17th 2024: 5 tracks of the Curse album featured on progrock.com with Chuck Simons

January 16th 2024: Second review of "Curse of the darkness" by Progador

January 5th 2024: Release of new album "Curse of the darkness"

January 4th 2024: Airplay on Paul Bakers Soundscapes "Under burning skies"

December 17th 2023: First review of "Curse of the darkness" album

October 2023: Mixing and Mastering New Album begins

October 4th 2023: Airplay on Beat route radio

September 14th 2023: Diamond eyes played on moorlands rock  with Katrina Luton

September 14th 2023: Slaves to the magic album played in its entirety on Game of Prog with Chuck Simmons

September 13th 2023: Diamond eyes played on Soundscapes with Paul Baker

September 6th 2023: "When the world stops" airplay on The Prog Bus Progzilla Radio

September 1st 2023: "Slaves to the magic" album released

August 29th 2023: Hydra, Shapeshifter played on  Game of Prog with Chuck simmons

August 29th 2023: "Slaves to the magic" album review

July 2023: Mixing and Mastering new album

July 2023: writing and recording new material

Welcome to June 2023 back in the studio mixing & mastering the new album


November 2022  to May 2023 

well earned break

October 27th 28th 2022; mixing and mastering new album tracks

July 14th 2022: Airplay on Moorlands Rock Show

July 3rd 2022: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" 

June 22nd 2022: Airplay on Soundscapes Radio Paul Baker

May 2022: New project started "PAPER TIGER"

There will be NO new album release this year from the Project

March 10th 2022: Airplay on "The Progressive Rock Machine" Australia


March 10th 2022: Airplay on Moorlands Rock Radio


 February 26th 2022: Mixing and Mastering new track 

February 20th 2022: Airplay on "The Prog Mill"

February 19th 2022: New project started

January 31st Release of compilation album "Transatlantic"

January 5th 2022: Airplay on prog rock request show

October 24th 2021: Mixing and Mastering new material

October 17th 2021: Airplay on "The Prog Mill"

October 4th 2021: Released "Voyager" video

September 23rd 2021: Live interview on Simon Devereux show

July 25th 2021: Airplay on "The Prog Mill"

July 15th 2021: Airplay on Simon Devereux show

July 14th 2021: Airplay on Paul Bakers "Soundscapes"

July 12th 2021: Airplay on Progliveradio 

May 3rd 2021: Review of "Valley of forboding" album

December 27th 2020: Airplay on "Prog Live Radio"

December 17th 2020: Airplay on Moorlands Rock Show

December 6th 2020: Start work on new album  "Curse of the darkness"

November 26th 2020: Mixing and mastering new album


November 25th 2020: Mixing and mastering new album

November 22nd 2020: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

October 28th 2020: Airplay on Paul Baker's "Soundscapes"

October  29th 2020: Mixing and mastering new album

September 29th 2020: Featured Artist on Progrock Radio 

September 13th 2020: Mixing and Mastering new album

September 2nd 2020: Airplay on Paul Bakers "Soundscapes"

August  16th 2020: Airplay on "The Prog Mill"

August 13th 2020: New album video released

August 12th 2020: Airplay on Paul Bakers "Soundscapes"

 August 5th 2020: Airplay on Beat Route Radio

July 19th 2020: New track released for streaming "Voyager"

July 16th 2020: Airplay on Moorlands Rock Show (Moorlands Radio)

June 21st 2020: Airplay on "The Lost Art" MMHRADIO 

May 31st 2020: Mixing and mastering new tracks for the next album

May 16th 2020: Airplay on "TVRDO Radio

May 13th 2020: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio Tamworth 

April 29th 2020: First review of new album "Age of the gods" Paul Baker Soundscapes

April 28th 2020: New design website goes live

April 21st 2020: Release "Swings and Roundabouts" download

April 15th 2020: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio Tamworth

April 7th 2020: Release "Swings and Roundabouts" Album

April 5th 2020: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

March 26th 2020: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Radio"

March 22nd 2020: Airplay on "Na Linha do Prog" Spanish Radio 

March 15th 2020: Airplay on "Na Linha do Prog" Spanish Radio 

March 12th 2020: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio Tamworth

March 5th 2020: Airplay on "The Prog Show" Moorlands Radio

March 4th 2020: Airplay on "Beat route radio"

February 27th 2020: Airplay on "The Prog Show" Moorlands Radio

February 26th 2020: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio Tamworth

February 20th 2020: Airplay on "The Prog Show" Moorlands Radio

February 19th 2020: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio Tamworth

February 9th 2020: Mixing and Mastering

February 6th 2020: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Radio"

January 30th 2020: Airplay on "Epics of all time" Raven Radio

January 28th 2020: Mixing & Mastering

January 19th 2020: Airplay on "Rock Live Radio"

January 6th 8th 10th 2020: Mixing & Mastering

December 18th 2019: Airplay on "Beat Route Radio"

November 28th 2019: Airplay on Dr Prog Radio (Australia)

November 27th 2019: Airplay on Beat Rout Radio

November 11th and 13th 2019: Mixing and Mastering new album

October 10th 2019: Release of new track "Dont make waves"

October 2nd 2019: Airplay on Beat Route Radio

September 30th 2019: Airplay on Moorlands Rock Radio

September 27th & 29th 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

August 28th 2019: Airplay on "The Progressive Rock Machine (Australia)

August 23rd 25th 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

August 18th 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

August 16th 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

August 14th 2019: Airplay on Beat Route Radio

August 11th 2019: Airplay on ARFM Radio Soundscapes

July 29th 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

July 26th 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

July 21st 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

July 16th 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

June 29th 2019: Mixing and Mastering new album

June 19th 2019: Airplay on Beat route radio

June 14th 2019 Work begins on the next project "Prophecy"

June 3rd 2019: Release of new album "Disambiguation"

June 3rd 2019: Airplay on Moorlands Rock Radio

June 2nd 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

May 28th 2019: Airplay on the prog show Progzilla radio

May 23rd 2019: Airplay on "Epics of all time" Raven Radio (Holland) 

May 22nd 2019: Airplay on Beat Route Radio

May 19th 2019: Airplay and competition on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

May 15th 2019: Mixing & Mastering new album

May 14th 2019: Airplay on Progrock.com Radio

May 12th 2019: Airplay on ARFM Soundscapes

May 8th 2019: Airplay on Beat Route Radio

April 16th 2019: Release of "if we could only see" single on Bandcamp

April 2nd 2019: Review of New Album "Disambiguation"

March 27th 2019: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

March 24th 2019: Airplay on "Graham Harfleet show" Progzilla Radio

March 24th 2019: Airplay on "Beat Route Radio"

March 18th 2019: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Show"

March 8th 2019: Mixing and Mastering new album

February 27th 2019: Airplay on "The Progressive Rock Machine" (Australia)

February 19th + 20th 2019: Mixing and mastering new album

February 13th 2019: Airplay on "Beat Route Radio"

February 8th 2019: Airplay on "Mostly Prog" (Tazmania)

February 6th 2019: Airplay on "Beat Route Radio"

January 23rd 2019: Airplay on "Beat route radio"

January 17th,18th 2019: Mixind and mastering new album

January 10th 2019: "when the moving finger writes" released to stream

January 8th + 9th 2019: Mixing and mastering new album

January 7th 2019: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Radio"

January 6th 2019: Airplay on "Paul Bakers Soundscapes" Phoenix radio

January 3rd 2019: Airplay on "Epics of all time" Raven Radio (Holland)

January 2nd 2019: Airplay on "The Progressive Rock Machine" (Australia)

January 2nd 2019: Airplay on "Beat route Radio"

December 30th 2018: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla radio

December 30th 2018: Airplay on Graham Harfleet Show "Progzilla Radio

December 29th 2018: 2 tracks pre released to stream off "Disambiguation" album

December 27th 2018: Airplay on "Northern Star" Progzilla Radio

December 23rd 2018: Airplay on "Rock Live Radio" (Germany)

December 20th 2018: "Dangerous Times " albym released

October 31st 2018: Airplay on "Beat Route" Radio

September 30th 2018: Mixing & Mastering new album tracks

September 23rd 2018: Airplay on ARFM Soundscapes Phoenix Radio

September 16th 2018: Airplay on "The Progmill"

September 16th 2018: Airplay on ARFM Soundscapes Phoenix Radio

August 31st 2018: Mixing & Mastering

August 12th 2018: Airplay on Rock Live Radio

August 5th 2018:Airplay on "ARFM Soundscapes Phoenix Radio"

August 31st 2018: Mixing & Mastering

August 2nd 2018: Airplay on "The House of Prog" (America)

July 29th 2018: Airplay on Paul Bakers Soundscapes "Phoenix Radio"

July 12th 2018: Mixing & Mastering

July 11th 2018: Airplay on "Salford City Radio"

July 8th 2018: Airplay on "ARFM Soundscapes" Phoenix Radio

July 8th 2018: Airplay on "Progzilla Radio" 

July 5th 2018: Airplay on "The House Of Prog" (America)

June 28th 2018: Airplay on "Epics of all time" Raven Radio (Holland)

June 28th 2018: Airplay on "The House Of Prog" (America)

June 24th 2018: Airplay on "The ProgMill" Progzilla Radio

May 25th 2018: Airplay on "Progressive Rock Machine" (Australia)

April 29th 2018: Mixing & Mastering

April 29th 2018: Airplay on "Rock live radio" (Germany)

April 23rd 2018: Release of "SEMPITERNAL" album

April 23rd 2018: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Show"

April 20th 2018: "Sempiternal" album featured in full on "Prog Core Live" Radio Canada

April 18th 2018: Mixing & Mastering

Apil 16th 2018: Streaming of new album on Bandcamp

April 8th 2018: Airplay on "Graham Harfleet Show" on Progzilla Radio

April 4th 2018: Airlpay on "Salford city Radio"

April 4th 2018: Airplay on "Tiger Radio Manchester"

April 1st 2018: Airplay and competition on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

April 1st 2018: Airplay on ARFM Soundscapes Radio (Paul Baker)

March 5th 2018: Airplay on "Sentinels Marvellous Kaliedescope" ( Canada)

February 19th 2018: Airplay on "Progressive rock machine" (Australia)

February 18th 2018: Airplay on ARFM Soundscapes

February 12th 2018: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Show"

February 11th 2018: Airplay on ARFM Soundscapes (3 tracks)

January 26th 2018: Airplay on "The waiting Room" with Prog Doctor (America)

January 25th 2018: Airplay on "Northern Star" Progzilla Radio

January 25th 2018: Airplay on Raven Radio "Epics of all time"

January 22nd 2018: Airplay on "Sentinels Marvellous Kaleidoscope" (Canada)

January 17th 2018: Airplay on Salford City Radio

January 17th 2018: Airplay on Tiger Radio Manchester

January 16th 2018: Airplay on Radio Telstar International

January 14th 2018: Airplay on "Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

January 7th 2018: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Phoenix Radio

December 21st 2017: Airplay on "Raven Radio" Epics of all time (Holland)

December 14th 2017: "Let sleeping dogs lie" released for streaming

December 14th 2017: Mixing & Mastering new track "Let sleeping dogs lie"

December 4th 207: Release of the "TIME" album

December 3rd 2017: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

November 18th 2017: Airplay & Interview on Fasching Radio (Canada)

November 7th 2017: Review of the "TIME" album by Progador

November 6th 2017: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock" Radio

November 4th 2017: Airplay on "Southern Radio" Australia

October 25th 2017: Airplay on "Progressive Rock Machine" Australia

October 25th 2017: Airplay on "Salford City Radio" 10pm

October 25th 2017: Airplay on "Tiger Radio Manchester" 9pm

October 24th 2017: Airplay on "Radio Telstar International" 

October 21st 2017: Airplay on "Southern Radio" Australia

October 15th 2017: Airplay on "The Progmill" Progzilla Radio

October 11th 2017: Mixing & Mastering

October 7th 2017: Airplay on "Southern Radio" Australia

October 6th 2017: Airplay on "Progcore Live" Canada

October 1st 2017: Airplay on "The Progmill" Progzilla Radio

September 27th 2017: Airplay on "Live from Progzilla towers" Progzilla Radio

September 4th 5th 10th 11th 17th 2017 Mixing & Mastering "SEMPITERNAL" album

August 14th 2017: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Show"

August 12th 2017: Airplay on "Southern Radio" Australia

August 10th 2017: Airplay on "Live from Progzilla Towers" Progzilla Radio

August 5th 2017: Studio Mixing and Mastering

July 27th 2017: Airplay on Northern Star "Progzilla Radio"

July 11th 24th 25th 28th 2017: Mixing & Mastering "TIME" album

July 2nd 2017: Airplay on "The prog mill" Progzilla Radio

June 29th 2017: Airplay on "Epics of all time" Raven Radio

June 24th 2017: Review of "Carousel of souls" album by Progador

June 4th 5th 8th 9th 2017; Mastering & Mixing new album "BLESSED AND THE 


May 22nd 2017: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Show"

April 30th 2017: Airplay on Paul Bakers "Soundscapes" Radio

April 16th 2017: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

April 10th 2017: Release of "CAROUSEL OF SOULS" album

March 22nd 2017: Airplay on The Prog Machine" Australia

March 19th 2017:on "The Progmill" Progzilla Radio

March 9th, 17th 2017: Mixing & Mastering new album

February 20th 2017: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Show"

February 6th,27th,28th 2017: Mixing & Mastering new album

February 2nd 2017: Release of "King and Country" video on youtube

January 31st 2017: Release of "Before Light" video on youtube

January 14th 2017: Airplay on Paul Bakers Soundscapes "Phoenix radio"

January 9th 2017: Release of compilation album "Dusk till dawn"

January 4th 2017: Airplay on "Fashing Web Radio" Canada

December 22nd 2016: Airplay on "Raven Radio" Holland

November 4th 2016: Airplay on "Progcore Radio" Canada

October 10th 2016: Studio Mixing and Mastering

September 12th 2016: Airplay on "Moorlands Radio Rock Show"

September 4th 2016: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

September 1st 2016: Airplay on "Northern Star" Progzilla Radio

August 28th 2016: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio

August 16th 2016: Airplay on "Fashing Web Radio" Canada

August 10th 2016: "Out of touch" Released on Bandcamp

August 1st 2016: Official Release of "Malice in Wonderland" Album

July 24th 2016: Airplay on Paul Bakers Soundscapes "Phoenix Radio"

July 21st 2016: Airplay on "Northern Star" Progzilla Radio (Album of the week)

June 27th 2016: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Show"

June 23rd 2016: Interview and album airplay on "Fashing Web Radio" Canada

June 19th 2016: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio

June 15th 2016: Airplay on "Northern Star" Progzilla Radio

June 10th 2016: Prism Studios Mixing & Mastering

June 5th 2016: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" Progzilla Radio

June 5th 2016: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio

May 16th 2016: Airplay on "Moorlands Radio"

May 13th 2016: Airplay on "House of prog" America

May 3rd 2016: "Empires Fall" Track released on Bandcamp

May 3rd 2016: Mixing and Mastering at Prism Studios

May 2nd 2016: Mixing and Mastering at Prism Studios

May 1st 2016: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio

May 1st 2016: Airplay on the "Progmill" Progzilla Radio

April 28th 2016: Airplay on "Northern Star" Progzilla Radio

April 22nd 2016: Airplay on "Progcoreradio" Canada

April 10th 2016: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio

April 7th 2016: "History" Track released

April 3rd 2016: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio

March 31st 2016: "The Lair" released to download

March 31st 2016: Mixing & Mastering at Prism Studios

March 30th 2016: Mixing & Mastering at Prism Studios

March 28th 2016: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Show"

March 27th 2016: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Radio

March 17th 2016: "The Ladder" Taster track released

March 11th 2016: Airplay on Progcorelive Radio, Canada

March 10th 2016: Mixing & Mastering at Prism Studios

March 8th 2016: Mixing & Mastering at Prism Studios

February 29th 2016: Airplay on Moorlands Radio "Quiet Revolution"

February 28th 2016: Airplay on "Sounscapes" Radio

February 27th 2016: Airplay on "Northern Star, Progzilla Radio"

February 23rd 2016: Taster track released "COLLATERAL DAMAGE"

February 22nd 2016: Mixing & Mastering at Prism Studios

February 22nd 2016: Interview & Airplay on Moorlands Radio "Quiet Revolution"

February 21st 2016: Airplay on "The Prog Mill"

February 19th 2016: Mixing & Mastering at Prism Studios

February 18th 2016: Airplay on "Northern Star, Progzilla Radio"

February 8th 2016: Airplay on Moorlands Radio "Quiet Revolution"

January 24th 2016: Airplay on "The Prog Mill"

January 23rd 2016: Airplay on "Amadeus Rock Show" italy

January 22nd 2016: Airplay on "House of Prog" usa radio

January 21st 2016: Airplay on "Northern Star" Progzilla Radio

January 15th 2016: Airplay on "House of Prog" usa radio

January 12th 2016: Recording at Prism studios

January 11th 2016: "Necromancer" track released

January 8th 2016: Airplay on "Progcore Radio Canada" (full circus album)

January 3rd 2016: Airplay on "Soundscapes Phoenix Radio"

December 17th 2015: Airplay on "Northern Star,Progzilla Radio"

December 14th 2015: "Castaway" Released as 3" CD Single

December 14th 2015: Airplay on "Moorlands Radio" Quiet Revolution

December 7th 2015: Airplay on "Moorlands Radio" Quiet Revolution

November 29th 2015: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Phoenix Rock Radio

November 29th 2015: Airplay on "The Prog Mill" Stafford Radio

November 22nd 2015: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Phoenix Rock Radio

November 21st 2015: Airplay on "Amadeus Rock Show"

November 16th 2015: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Radio"

November 15th 2015: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Phoenix Rock Radio

November 9th 2015: Airplay on "Moorlands Radio Quiet Revolution"

October 31st 2015: "Circus of Horrors" Album Released

October 30th 2015: Airplay on "The Big House" Radio

October 26th 2015: Interview on "Moorlands Radio Quiet Revolution"

October 25th 2015: "Malice in wonderland" album mixed & mastered

October 18th 2015: Airplay on "The Progmill" Stafford

October 17th 2015: Airplay on "Brit Rock" Radio

October 15th & 16th 2015: Mastering at Prism Studios

October 14th 2015: Airplay on "Live from Progzilla Towers"

October 10th 2015: Airplay on "Amadeus Rock Show"

October 4th 2015: Airplay on "Firebrand Radio"

October 2nd & 3rd October 2015: Mastering at Prism Studios

September 23rd 2015: Prism Studio Recording

September 13th 2015: Airplay on "Sounscapes" Firebrand Radio

September 13th 2015: Airplay on "The prog Mill" Stafford Radio

September 12th 2015: Airplay on "Amadeus Rock Show" Italy

September 13th 2015: Airplay on "The Prog Mill"

September 8th 2015:Airplay on "Platinum Rock Radio"

September 6th: Prism studios Recording

September 5th 2015: Airplay on "Brit Rock" radio 

August 27th 2015: "Bullet Point" video released on youtube

August 24th 2015: Airplay on "Moorlands Rock Show"

August 24th 2015: Album Review in "Progpraat" online magazine

August 23rd 2015: Airplay on "Soundscapes" Firebrand Radio

August 22nd: Airplay on "Amadeus Rock Radio"

August 17th 2015: Airplay on "Moorlands Radio"

August 16th 2015: Airplay on "Progzilla Radio"

August 14th 2015: Airplay on USA Radio Station "House of Prog"

August 13th 2015: Airplay on "Platinum Rock Radio"

August 11th 2015: "Circus of Horrors" review in Progador

August 7th 2015: Airplay on "The Big House"

August 3rd 2015: Interview & Airplay on "Moorlands Radio"

August 3rd 2015: Relase of "Supernatural Casualty" Album

July 16th 2015: Airplay on "Platinum Rock Radio"

July 16th 2015: Mastering of "Between 2 Worlds" album

July 12th 2015: Airplay on "The Prog Mill"

July 11th & 12th 2015: Studio Mastering & Mixing

July 1oth 2015: Airplay on "Big House"

July 5th 2015: Airplay on "Phoenix Radio" 

June 29th & 30th 2015: mixing & mastering "Between 2 Worlds"

June 28th 2015: Album Reviews in "Progador" magazine.

June 24th 2015: Airplay on "Progzilla Radio"

June 19th 2015: First American Airplay on "House Of Prog"

June 15th 2015: Airplay on "Moorlands Radio"

May 27th 2015: Start work mixing and mastering "Between 2 Worlds" album

May 22nd 2015: "Between 2 worlds" Track uploaded

May 18th 2015: Track played on "Moorlands Rock Show"

May 1st 2015: "Circus of Horrors" Video released on You Tube

April 2015: Tracks played on "Rock Radio","Phoenix Radio", "Firebrand Radio"

April 2015: "Circus of Horrors" preview track video released on Youtube

April/May 2015: Recording and Mastering of New Album "Circus of Horrors"

March 16th 2015: Promo Video for "Supernatural Casualty" released

March 2015: Writing new material

February 2015: Mastering of "Supernatural Casualty"

February 13th 2015: Work starts on mastering the new album "Supernatural Casualty"

February 3rd 2015: "Burning Skies" Limited Edition cd released

February 2nd 2015: New Album "OUTLAW OF OUR TIME" Released

January 15th 2015: Artwork for the "Welcome" album arrives from Spanish artist

January 13th 2015: "At the crossroads" video on You Tub

January 2015: Recording of new album continues

December 2014: "Jack" video released on youtube

December 2014: Recording of new album, set for release Feb 2015

Oct/Nov 2014: Writing continues for next album "Outlaw of our time"

October 19th 2014: "Gate to the west" video on Youtube 

October 6th 2014: "Just a flash in the pan" Released

September 23rd/24th 2014: Back in studio to finish off new album "Just a flash in the pan"

August 1st 2014: "Soulless Night Driver" Video released on YouTub

July 2014: More writing for the next album

July 2014: Mastereing and mixing new album "Just a flash in the pan"

June 8th 2014: "Exhibition Of Life" posted on Bandcamp & Soundcloud

June 4th 2014: New single released "Jekyl & Hyde" Video on youtube.

June 4th 2014: Paul Oldfiedl's Nite Klub interview ("Jekyl & Hyde first airplay)

May 30th 31st June 1st: Studio 

May 11th 2014: Studio 

May 9th 2014: Transatlantic ghosts single released 

March - May 2014: Working on New Album"Just a flash in the pan" 

March 11th 2014: "Slow Motion" video released on Youtube 

March 10th 2014: "Pathfinder" album officially released 

February 13th 2014: "The Real Me" Video on You Tube 

February 12th 2014: "The Real Me" released on beat 100, taken from "Pathfinder" album 

February 7th 2014: "Ricochet" released on beat 100, new electronic track 

January 15th 2014: Back in studio to finish off new album "Pathfinder" 

December 4th 2013: Demo of "The Riddle" on You Tube 

December 6th 2013: start recording new album for early 2014 release

November 4th 2013: "Vital Signs" video on youtube

November 1st: Hand 2 Eye Co Ordination released...!!!!!!

October 23rd: Work started on next album

October 20th 2013:New album "Hand 2 Eye Co Ordination" now finished,mastering to do then ready for release.

October 2013: Recording and Mixing of material for new album "Hand 2 Eye Co Ordination" album due for release end November 2013

September 29th 2013: "The Cube" Video Released on Youtube

September 26th 2013: Mixing of new track "The Cube" at Prism Studios

September 9th 2013: Live 3 track session on moorlands radio...

August 26th 2013: "The Game" video released on Youtube..!!!!

August 20th 2013 Heart of earth download available on ITunes

August 16th 2013: "Heart of earth" video released on Youtube.

August 2013: Brand New Single "Heart of Earth", Available on 3" CD & 7" Vinyl Single Very Limited Edition...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 2013: Writing and Recording 

July 16th 2013: New Video "Wavelength" part 1 released on Youtube...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

July 2nd 2013: New Video on youtube to be released on July 8th.......!!!!!!!!!! 

June 20th 2013: New Video "Heed the warning" on youtube..!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

May17th 2013: New video "Hollow Eyes" on youtube...!!!!!!!!!

May 10th 2013: First video clip of "The Adventures Of Long John Shitbird" Released on youtube, first glimpse of Rodney's characters

May 10th 2013: New Video "Circus Comes To Town" on youtube...!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 8th 2013: Rodney starts work on the concept album Characters, merchandise available soon..!!!! 


May 5th & 10th 2013: In Studio mixing and mastering concept album

April 29th 2013: New Video "Castle made of sand" From the album "Abstract"

April 23rd 2013: New Geof Whitely Project Clocks 3 Designs Available Limited Edition !!!! 

April 20th 2013: New Personalised "Yetoto" Mugs Launched Limited Edition !!! 

April 18th 2013: New Video release "Code of silence" 

April 16th 2013: Rodney Matthews visits the Geof Whitely Project....!!!!!!! 

April 13th 2013: New video "Abstract" on youtube 

April 11th 2013: New artwork for our 3rd album just arrived from Rodney excellent again..!!!!!!! 

April 5th 2013: New Epic video "He Comes Calling".....!!!!!!!!!!!! 

March 31st 2013: Brand new video "Frontier" taken from the Tormented Shadows album 

March 25th 2013: New Video on Youtube "Hunger in my heart" taken from Tormented Shadows album 

March 21st 2013: We are starting work on a new concept story album, title and story decided,we are hoping to get Rodney Matthews onboard for all the artwork and illustrations,keep checking back for updates...exciting times...!!!!!!

March 20th 2013: Coming Soon.. New video "Hunger in my heart" taken from the album "Tormented Shadows"

March 13th 2013: Busy busy writing and recording...!!!!!!!!!!!! 

March 1st 2013: Rodneys sketch of album cover just arrived excellent once again..!!! 

Feb 25th 2013: New video release on youtube..."Latino Soul...!!!!! 

Feb.13th 2013: Rodney Matthews has been comissioned for our 3rd album artwork...!!!!!

Feb 11th 2013: New face joins the project a touch of nostalgia involved..!!


Feb 8th 2013: New "Confidential Whispers" T-Shirts just arrived...!!!!

Feb 6th 2013: New video "Reasons Why" taken from the album "Confidential Whispers"...!!!!!

Jan 29th 2013: New Confidential Whispers TShirts coming soon !!!!!!!!

Jan 20th 2013: Vocal recording for the second album begins.

Jan 16th 2013: Were pleased to welcome Dan onboard as guitarist for the second album...

Jan 7th 2013: New player added to the website,now you can listen to the GWP as it happens.

Jan 3rd 2013: 2 awards from Beat 100, Silver Award for "Playing for time", Bronze Award for "Horus", great start to the New Year, Many Thanks....!!!!!!!!!

Jan 2nd 2013: New track "Playing for time" from the second album now on Facebook, Youtube, and the website, enjoy....!!!!!

Jan 1st 2013: Happy New Year to all fans everywhere, work started on the second album...!!!!!

Dec 19th 2012: We would like to wish all our fans old and new a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, thanks for all your support and heres to a great 2013....!!!!!

Dec 14th 2012: New Fridge Magnets available from merchandise page..

Dec 11th 2012: Artwork for our second album by Rodney Matthews has just arrived very impressive....!!!!

Dec 10th 22: We are now on the Beat 100 network...

Dec 4th 2012: New Black "Interlude" T-Shirts now available.

Nov 28th 2012: The second album artwork will be available as a collectable limited print each one personally signed by Geof Whitely and Rodney Matthews this will be announced on the website as soon as they are available....watch this space, for collectors of original album art they are a must!

Nov 16th 2012: Second Album Artwork completed by Rodney Mathews looks stunning !!!!!!!

Nov 8th 2012: "Timelord" now available to download at I Tunes.....

Nov 4th 2012: Were running a small competition to win a t-shirt & badge set,Question:How many references to the GWP are there in the "Maybe this time" Video....please message your answer to our Facebook page ....Good Luck !!

Nov 2nd 2012:To Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Dr Who the project have released a single downloadable at ITunes titled "TIMELORD" check out the video on Youtube !!!!!

Nov 2nd 2012: Brand new video "Maybe This Time" out now on Website,Youtube,Facebook from the debut album!!!

Nov 1st 2012: The project is proud to welcome onboard world renowned artist and illustrator

Rodney Mathews who will be doing the artwork for the next album !!!!!

Oct 31st 2012: New project on the go for release next year could be a big one !!!!!

Oct 23rd 2012: New Merchandise available now, thanks to Alan & Stuart for their designs !!

Oct 22nd 2012: New video coming soon "Maybe this time" a taster track off the debut album "INTERLUDE" !!

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